"Hello Phil. Well day 28 was yesterday. My weight at the start was 14 stone 4 lbs. this morning I weigh 13 stone 6 lbs. to say I’m overjoyed is an understatement. I thought the thought diet was excellent. It’s only takes 14 minutes out your day to listen too. It’s very clear to follow and understand. For me it was about day five when it clicked what it was asking me to do. It has helped me to put other things locked away in boxes that would have normally worried me also. The best part was of course the weight coming off but also giving me more confidence in my self and that yes I can do this. As yet I wound not change the recording as it is working for me. I would most certainly recommend this product to others It makes you really think what rubbish you are eating and drinking on a daily basis. The product it quick and easy to follow and I intend to keep following the advice on the tape to achieve my 2 stone weight loss. Then keep using it to keep it off. It’s been my pleasure to trial the thought diet Phil and can’t thank you enough. Sue."
"Hi Phil
Wooo I’ve lost 8lbs which is fantastic, I’m so pleased. I’m feeling much healthier and I’m finding as the days go on my will power seems to be getting stronger instead of weaker. Probably because when I’ve given into temptation I’ve put the food culprit into the red box next time I’ve listened to you. The best is that I don’t feel as if I’m on a diet.... in fact I’ve not mentioned the word diet...just healthy eating. I’ve not had chocolate in 4 weeks. I would recommend it to my friends. Thank you for this tool which I’m going to continue to use. J, East Yorkshire. "
"Hi so I have lost a total of 10lbs in 28 days woohoo.
At first I wasn't sure but I found myself questioning do I need this food. Should I eat something better and this really worked.
The best part is losing weight without realising I'm doing it and changing my eating habits.
Nothing needs to change for me as it worked spot on .
I will defo be letting my friends know about you and how amazing you are for helping me lose weight, so thank you so much.
And thank you for helping change my eating habits.
Debbie, Essex, Canvey island"
"Lost 5lbs.
I enjoyed it. Very very thought provoking and yes it spilled over into other areas of my attitude towards myself... I haven't made the best of it due to other things that have happened in the 28 days but it has changed me. I can see where I'm sabotaging myself! I would need to listen longer than 28 days I think. I fell asleep a lot listening to it ie relaxing not boring!
I think it's a great tool and it's amazing the effect it has on you. Because it is so regular it's a poke in the ribs to self neglect. I didn't realise how much I put others first!
Best part? Um. Affordable help that's deep and meaningful and personalised. That it's personal to you. That's the best bit.
I'd recommend it. I already have 😊
Thank you for the opportunity. I see the way forward now instead of a list of reasons 🖒 Mud"
"I’ve lost 5 pounds altogether now which is fantastic. I liked the Thought Diet. I did struggle to think of things to put on the pieces of paper on the wall as the diet progressed.
It’s helped me think healthier so I’ll grab some fruit rather than some crisps or biscuits.
The best part is the relaxing environment you create to help positive thought. I would recommend it.
I found it best to listen to before I went to sleep because i wanted it to sink in overnight plus it helped me get to sleep.
Thank you very much. Emma x"
"Hi iv lost 7 pounds in the 28 days each day gets easier to eat the correct foods. You pick the right foods without thinking, where as before I would pick all the wrong food so The Thought Diet helps you think about things different and more often than not you go to the green box but can have the occasional treat. This thought diet has also helped me realise I'm a comfort eater, now if I have problems or stress in my life, instead of eating rubbish food I have listened to the thought diet and dealt with what is making me over eat, so then I feel less like food. I love the fact you have the thought diet with you where ever you go, so can listen to it when ever you need to and as time goes on you think less about dieting cause you just seem to pick the healthier food. I would not change anything about it and yes I would recommend this to anyone. Jackie, from Tamworth"
Now you can listen to the The Thought Diet. Make sure that you listen to it at least once per day for the next 28 days. You will be closing your eyes and using your imagination, so do make sure that you are in a safe and comfortable place where you won’t be disturbed for 14 minutes.
Click on the button to get your MP3