6-10 0f 60 Weight Loss Tips

info • July 15, 2019

6-10 of 60 Weight Loss Tips

6-10 of 60 Weight Loss Tips
6. Eat a good healthy breakfast

Many of my clients say that they don’t eat breakfast because they don’t feel hungry first thing in the morning. This intrigues me as they say that they are hungry throughout the day (otherwise they wouldn’t eat so much). Having slept for perhaps eight hours and perhaps not eaten for longer than that, I would have thought they would have been hungry. Breakfast literally means to break fast, so while you are sleeping your body is fasting. Your metabolic rate, the speed at which you burn up calories will only start when you feed your body first thing in the morning. It’s quickest first thing in the morning and slowest last thing at night. Therefore if we take someone who gets up at 7am, doesn’t have breakfast but has lunch at 12noon, they are wasting 5 hours of good fast metabolic rate before they start to burn up calories. You must have a good healthy breakfast if you are wanting to lose weight. A client of mine said that she didn’t feel hungry first thing in the morning so did not have breakfast. I had her eating breakfast whilst she was seeing me. Guess what, her weight went down. A few months after her sessions had finished she contacted me as her weight was going back on. I asked her if she was still eating breakfast, she said no and made the excuse that she didn’t have time to prepare it. I insisted that she started to eat breakfast again and report back to me in a months time. Yes you guessed it, she had lost weight again. I repeat, you must eat a good healthy breakfast if you want to lose weight and keep it off.

7. Treat every day like it’s a Monday!

I do not believe in diets (as you know they don’t work, if they did there would be very few overweight people in the world) but people who go on diets generally start it on a Monday. At the start of a diet people are motivated and enthusiastic (Monday) but after a few days that enthusiasm can dwindle especially as the weekend approaches. It’s Friday today and the start of the weekend, I’m not saying that you shouldn’t enjoy yourself but to prevent over eating I want you to wake up each morning ‘believing’ that it’s Monday which will help keep you motivated to eat healthily.

8. Reduce the size of your plate

Most people eat their main meals off a 12 inch plate. Reduce the size of your plate to a 10 inch. Always eat your main meals from the 10 inch plate as you will psychologically get to see this as a normal size potion. Then when you see people eating from a 12 inch plate you will ask yourself “how can they possibly eat all of that”. But you most alway eat your meals off the smaller plate. Give this a go and notice what happens to your weight. Do share this tip with your family and friends and let me know, in the comments, how you get on.

9. Work through your plateau

Almost all people trying to lose weight plateau at some point and may plateau several times before they reach their ideal weight.
I don’t believe any one really knows why people plateau but I have a theory that when we are born our fat cells are small and as we grow and get bigger and fatter our fat cells expand. As the fat cells expand they stay tight. When we start to lose weight our fat cells shrink and become flabby. My theory is that we plateau because our body needs time to retighten the cells and it will not let us lose more weight until our fat cells have shrunk and tightened up again. Therefore we stay at the same weight for a length of time; this could be days, weeks or even months. Only when the cells are tight again does the body allow you to start losing weight again. When the cells shrink some more and get flabby again you will hit another plateau. Many people reach the plateau and lose faith that they can’t lose any more and consequently give up on their weight loss plan and lapse or re-lapse. When losing weight you have to understand that you will hit a plateau and nothing will happen for some time but you have to give your body time to tighten up the fat cells and it will start losing weight again. You can read my free ‘How To Stop Yoyo Dieting’ report by downloading it www.philcollinshypnotherapy.com

10. What is stopping you?

Over the years you’ve trained your body and mind to eat and crave the food you do, which has got you to the weight you are now. You can retrain your mind and body to eat healthily. It’s like training a dog, it takes a lot of effort, patience, kindness and perseverance. So what is stopping you? Photo: Phil’s weight loss tip of the day: Over the years you’ve trained your body and mind to eat and crave the food you do, which has got you to the weight you are now. You can retrain your mind and body to eat healthily. It’s like training a dog, it takes a lot of effort, patience, kindness and perseverance. So what is stopping you?
You can train to eat sensibly


By info December 30, 2020
Hypnotic gastric band/balloon zoom therapy "Look wonderful in and out of clothes" Times have changed since Covid19, no longer do I offer one to one sessions in my consulting room, all of my client sessions are carried out online using Zoom/Skype or video chat. This has opened up the whole world to my therapies. Consequently I’m now seeing clients from as far away as Australia, Ireland and all over the UK to mention a few. Some people worry about working online, especially when they think of being hypnotised. Let me put your mind at rest, hypnosis is a purely natural state of mind and you do not have to be in the same room as the therapist to be hypnotised. In fact many of my clients have reported that it feels a lot better being in their own home as they are more relaxed and comfortable. Safe guards are put in place in case a connection is lost. See video testimonials below to hear how my clients have found the experience of working online. Below are the different packages to chose from to suit your needs and budget: Standard: (No gastric band/balloon) This package consists of 4 online sessions where different proven techniques are used to motivate you to lose weight. In addition you will receive 7 videos which provide lots of practical advice and techniques to maintain motivation. You will also have the option of having daily contact with me throughout the program to encourage and support you. Cost : Ask for special price Duration 8 weeks Premium: (gastric band/balloon) The premium package consists of 6 online sessions and includes all of the parts of the standard package. In addition you get 12 months of daily contact and also the option to receive recordings of each session (must be on Zoom), plus at the end of the 6 sessions you will receive a further two videos. Cost: Ask for special price Duration 12 weeks Premium Plus: (gastric band/balloon) The premium plus package consists of 10 online sessions and includes all of the content of the premium package. In addition you will receive a life time* of daily contact with me for support and encouragement. Cost: Ask for special price Duration 20 weeks If you are really interested in starting your weight loss journey and wanting to " look fabulous in and out of clothes " , contact me *Life time means for as long as I’m working as a therapist Check out all of these weight loss successes in 2020 https://www.philcollinshypnotherapy.com/success-stories-weight-loss
By info December 29, 2020
Look at the success stories
By crudyrawel2004 December 8, 2020
Why do some people shy away from using a hypnotherapist?
By crudyrawel2004 November 27, 2020
Have you yo-yo dieted for many years, losing a little weight then piling it all back on? Are you sick of starving yourself and still not losing weight? Have you spent a fortune on slimming clubs and diet food? Diets don’t work, if they did you wouldn’t be reading this.  Do you to look and feel good? Do you want to improve your health? Do you want to change your eating habits? Here is an client that I have helped: Here is Georgie’s story, I’m the hypnotist mentioned in the article. (I’m not the one that helped Adele and I do not charge that amount per session)) https://www.thesun.co.uk/fabulous/11865202/nhs-nurse-ballooned-26-stone-mcdonalds-ketchup-sandwiches-hynotised/ In my experience of over 17 years of helping people to lose weight, there is generally something in someone’s past that is keeping the weight on. It’s only when someone gets control of their mind will they control what they eat. I don’t just help you lose weight, I will boost your self confidence and self esteem. Many of my weight loss clients also suffer from anxiety. I will help with that as well. I offer two packages, 4 or 6 sessions. (Or 12 sessions for extreme weight loss).They all include zoom sessions to do the psychological work and videos for the practical aspects, in addition you get daily contact with me, for support and encouragement. The 6 and 12 sessions package also includes the hypnotic gastric balloon therapy. (If suitable). I will need to have a zoom chat with you to see which package is best for you. Here are some testimonials from my clients: All of these clients have recently completed my zoom weight loss program. https://youtu.be/0SASB96SnZ4 https://youtu.be/BpuXKwoc58c https://youtu.be/cF9bx2etfi4 https://youtu.be/gUgiEX246Gc https://youtu.be/7mcL8beXZSM https://youtu.be/gUSstiHw12I https://youtu.be/vbx0axSHbIk https://youtu.be/o2WgkRjGYNk https://youtu.be/4e3VO2hvoHw https://youtu.be/4pAH6JlgUuI https://youtu.be/Vn3lYGPYHa8 If you are serious about losing weight book a free zoom consultation to discuss in more details? Get £50 Off any weight loss package in December 2020
By Website Editor August 8, 2020
Zoom sessions Here are the details of your life changing weight loss program on Zoom. Zoom works really well and is easy to use if you haven’t used it before. If you would like to discuss with me on zoom before you make a commitment, please say so. Do you want to feel fabulous? Do want your clothes to fit? Do you want self confidence and self esteem? Are you sick of carrying all that weight? Do you want more energy living a healthy life? Do you want people to notice that you’ve lost weight? This is an 8 week program which includes: 4 online zoom sessions (upto an hour) several videos for you to watch which deal with the practical aspects of weight loss. techniques to help with stopping cravings. explanations on how insulin keeps you overweight. you do not go on a diet. a unique part of my program is that you will have daily contact with me to maintain your motivation. hypnotic stomach shrinking (hypnotic gastric band) is an option if it is deemed suitable for you. The program isn’t just about weight loss: it’s also about boosting your self confidence increasing your self esteem reducing your anxieties giving you the tools so that you have them for the rest of your life and helping you to achieve your goals support from me throughout the program All of these clients have recently completed my online weight loss program. https://youtu.be/0SASB96SnZ4 https://youtu.be/BpuXKwoc58c https://youtu.be/cF9bx2etfi4 https://youtu.be/gUgiEX246Gc https://youtu.be/7mcL8beXZSM https://youtu.be/gUSstiHw12I https://youtu.be/vbx0axSHbIk https://youtu.be/o2WgkRjGYNk https://youtu.be/4e3VO2hvoHw https://youtu.be/4pAH6JlgUuI https://youtu.be/Vn3lYGPYHa8 Here is a National Press article on Georgie who I’ve helped to lose weight: https://www.thesun.co.uk/fabulous/11865202/nhs-nurse-ballooned-26-stone-mcdonalds-ketchup-sandwiches-hynotised/ To book an appointment, either call me by clicking the button (w orks on mobiles only) or please fill in the contact form below stating which days and times are best for you. I look forward to helping you.
By Website Editor August 7, 2020
Start losing weight when you’ve watched these videos. All of these videos form part of the practical aspects of my 4 sessions Zoom Weight loss program. During the zoom sessions I use hypnosis to help my clients. These videos are sent to my clients and they commit to watching and acting upon them. You can lose weight just by watching the videos alone. If you would like to book onto my weight loss program after you have watched the videos, I will reduce the price of the program by £49. (proof of purchase will be required) Video 1: the ‘9 Must Do’s’ for weight loss Video 2: eating Good foods/Bad foods Video 3: a technique which explains why ‘try’ is not an option Video 4: a technique to help stop ‘comfort eating’ Video 5: why the levels of insulin in the body affect weight Video 6: why it will take typically 18 months for you to be able to say that you have made it Video 7: a typical weight loss graph which explains why we plateau and what to do about it Bonus As a bonus I'm including two more videos, both use hypnosis. One has three techniques in it to help with weight loss the other is pure relaxation. The Thought Diet - hypnosis Pure Relaxation - hypnosis Only £49 Click on the link below to purchase all of the videos. (Once I receive notice of payment from PayPal, I will email you the links to the videos) https://www.paypal.com/instantcommerce/checkout/BVBF5ULA9RLG8 Here are a few clients who have watched the videos and completed my 4 sessions zoom program:
By info June 11, 2020
Denise talks about her experience of doing weight loss via Zoom
By info June 1, 2020
By info April 29, 2020
Georgie came to see me for help with weight loss and anxiety. Look at her now, she looks amazing after losing 12stones and 8lbs and she has overcome her anxieties. Hypnotherapy, hard work, motivation and determination has got her to achieve this.
By info April 2, 2020
Find yourself a comfortable place where you won't be disturbed and then listen to my voice taking you into a deep state of relaxation. You will come out of it feeling refreshed and wonderful.
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