Anxiety/depression or a fear can affect anyone at any time of their lives. Most people can get through a period of this quite easily without any help, perhaps they may need a few days of rest or to get away from a situation for a short space of time. Some people may need to seek medical assistance and perhaps be prescribed some medication or in extreme instances may require hospitalisation.
There are some people who do not want to go down the medical route and don't want to take medication such as anti-depressants (in my opinion, if I feel that a client would benefit from seeing thier GP, I will suggest that they do that), but would like help. I have found that alternative therapies such as counselling, CBT, NLP and hypnosis can be of great benefit. Take for example, Marcus who came to see me for severe anxiety.
As you can see, hypnosis has helped Marcus overcome his anxieties.
Hypnosis is safe and non intrusive. You are always in control and fully aware of what is going on during the session. In fact it feels like driving from A to B but not realising that you have gone through a village or down a street. You are fully aware of the traffic, you are not going to have an accident but you can't remember driving through the village or down a street.
Another example of the power of hypnosis can be seen with Hannah who came to see me because she had lost her voice several weeks prior to coming to see me.
What had happened with Hannah was her subconscious mind had taken literally what her GP had said after they had given her medication for laryngitis but said don't try and talk as you will lose your voice. She did try and talk and hence her sub conscious mind stopped her from talking. What I did, whilst Hannah was under hypnosis, was to suggest to her subconsious mind that yes when she had laryngitis it wasn't a good idea to talk but now that she no longer had laryngitis there was no reason why she couldn't talk again.
And let me show you a third example of how hypnotherapy has helped one of my clients. This is Julie who came to see me because she couldn't drive on 'normal' roads.
Julie couldn’t drive on main roads after suffering a panic attack on a motorway 3 years ago. In January 2017 she contacted me via Facebook messenger, to ask if he could help. This is what she wrote: “ I have been driving for 30 years but 2 years ago I had a massive panic attack on the motorway, since then I can't drive on main roads, I'm OK on back roads i.e. I could get to Welshpool via Kerry, down to Abermule and through Forden but I can't do the main road, I've tried a few times but the attack comes on.” I said at the time that I believed that I could help her, however Julie could not afford my fees and didn’t want to risk losing her money if it didn’t work.
In January this year Julie messaged me again saying; “Hiya Phil, I spoke to you on here about a year ago, I don't expect you to remember lol. I was having problems with my driving, panic attacks... I told you I was going to see a counsellor, I did that and it didn't help, I've also seen a psychologist, that didn't help either, I really need your help now please?”
I offered Julie an appointment and she came along (driving on the back roads) for her first session. In this session I listened to Julie’s story again and said that I believed that I could help her. Julie agreed to give it a go. I then went on to explain what hypnosis is and proceeded to hypnotise her. Julie left the session feeling really relaxed and upon arriving home she sent me this message “I managed to drive from Abermule to town on the main road, was still a bit of anxiety but nowhere near as much as before.”
Julie attended a second session where I used hypnotic techniques to over come her fears. These are the next messages that Julie sent to me over a few days; “I've just driven to Welshpool, along the bypass as far as Tesco and back on my own”; “OK so far, been to Welshpool a couple of times, got 3 days off at the weekend so going to try further, Shrewsbury, maybe Telford”; “I drove to Meole Brace along bypass on Monday”
Julie says “I wish I hadn’t waited so long to come and see Phil. I could have been driving like this 2 years ago had I realised hypnosis works so well and quickly. The reason I contacted Phil initially was because I saw his video testimonials on his web site and all the success stories”.
I say “I’m always the last resort, however, my clients leave wishing that I had been their first.”
Prior to Julie's panic she was a 'white van' driver. Becuase of her not being able to drive on 'normal' roads she lost her job. A few weeks after her last session with me Julie contacted me to say that she had her old job back and was loving it.
Whether you seek medical help or would like help thta I can provide, please do get the help you need. Anxiety/depression/fear is not nice to live with but as you have seen ablove it can be overcome. If you would like to discuss your issues with me, do contact me via