21. Don’t treat losing weight like a funeral
Having been to a family funeral today for an aunty who was full of life for 78 years it made me think about how some people feel when they start dieting. They certainly don’t feel like having fun because they are going to go without food, which normally makes them happy. So the tip of the day is in two parts: Firstly do not go on a diet (see tips of the day below). Secondly if you are not dieting you can eat good healthy food which you can enjoy and have fun at the same time. Don’t treat losing weight like a funeral, live your life to the full with good nutritional food which you can enjoy.
22. Start today
It is Saturday as I write this. How many of you would dream of starting your weight loss program today? Not many I would guess. Most people start a ‘diet’ on a Monday! To show your motivation to achieve your goal, start losing weight now, today, don’t wait until Monday. You will feel so proud of yourself when you get through the weekend having made progress to your ideal weight. If you haven’t already read my previous tips do read them as they will help you. So start losing weight today.
23. Treat every day as if it’s the first!
You know how motivated you feel when you say that you are going to start losing weight. You know how easy it is on the first day, you don’t want to over eat or you find it easy to not eat chocolate or cake. If only you could keep this motivation up for ever. Well you can if you wake up each morning and say to your self (several times) ‘today is the start of my new way of thinking, I’m going to eat sensibly, I’m not going to starve myself and I’m going to enjoy seeing the weight come off’. Do this every day and feel that weight come off and because each new day is the start of something exciting you will find it easy to achieve your goal.
24. DO IT
Don’t just think about eating sensibly, Do It. Don’t just think about doing more exercise, Do It.Don’t just think about not having that cream cake, Do It.Don’t just think about eating a smaller size portions, Do It.Don’t just think about getting help to achieve your goal. do It.
25. Don’t wait until Monday!
Most people decide that Monday is a good day to start losing weight. My tip today is that you start right Now. This shows that you have commitment and you are determined to do it
26. Keep it simple
To lose weight you don’t have to have fancy meals specially prepared, just keep it simple, eat the food you like but keep the potion size down to a sensible amount. Eat little and often when you feel hungry.Keep it simple and watch the weight come off.
27. No main meals after 7pm
Our metabolic rate is quickest first thing in the morning (unless you are a shift worker) and slowest in the evening. So you should eat early in the day and not eat a large meal late at night. If you eat late your body does not have the time to burn up calories and therefore it turns into fat. So don’t eat a main meal after 7pm.
28. If it’s not there you can’t eat it.
When shopping be mindful of what you buy. Before you put things into your trolley ask yourself ‘Do I really need this, will it help me to lose weight’, if your answer is no and no then don’t put it in. If it’s not there you can’t eat it.
29. Look at your photo!
Put a photo of yourself at your largest on the fridge and as your wallpaper on your phone and computer. Every time you see yourself you will tell yourself that you never want to be that big again.
30. Stay focused
It’s easy to lose focus when losing weight especially when the lbs aren’t coming off as you would like them to. Remember how long it took to put the weight on, it’s not going to come off over night. Keep telling yourself that you can do it no matter how hard it feels and congratulate yourself every time you lose any weight. Stay focused and watch that weight come off.
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